David Kraemer applied math phd student

Berge's maximum theorem is overpowered (and weak)

I’ve spent some time thinking about the Berge maximum theorem, which is a classic result in parametric optimization. It relates to some of my work with Professor Feinberg here at Stony Brook, but we are pushing in a different direction at the moment. I’m interested in the “classical” theorem, which appeared in Berge’s book Topological spaces in 1963. (To be clear, it appears in English in 1963, but the original French edition was in 1959.) To summarize the result, we usually say that it provides sufficient conditions for the optimal values of an optimization problem to be continuous in the parameters of the problem.

The general setup for the theorem is as follows. There are two (formally, topological, but for the sake of presentation) metric spaces \(X\) and \(Y\) and a set-valued map \(\Phi : X \to 2^Y\), so that for each \(x \in X\) we have \(\Phi(x) \subseteq Y\). In addition, we have a real function \(u : X \times Y \to \newcommand{\RR}{\mathbb{R}}\RR\) over the product space. Call the pair \((X, Y, \Phi, u)\) a maximization problem, and associate with it two additional objects \(u^* : X \to \RR\) and \(\Phi^* : X \to 2^Y\) defined as

\[\begin{align} u^*(x) &= \sup \{u(x,y) : y \in \Phi(x) \} \\ \Phi^*(x) &= \{y \in \Phi(x) : u(x,y) = v(x) \} \end{align}\]

We’re calling \((X, Y, \Phi, u)\) a maximization problem because we wish to study the properties of \(u^*\) and \(\Phi^*\), which represent for each \(x \in X\) the maximum value and set of maximizers in \(\Phi(x)\) of the function \(u\).

I want to pause to give some motivation for the theorem. When I was first getting introduced to the statement, it seemed like a quaint application of general topology to real functions on product spaces. Indeed that is the math involved. But this is not a particularly successful way of reasoning about the theorem, and so I want to clarify this point.

Motivation: parametric optimization

There are two applications I have seen that give a good picture of the result and why we should care about it. The first arises from “parametric optimization”. Consider, for example, a common optimization problem with the form

\[\begin{align} \max_{y \in Y} \quad &f_0(y) \\ \text{s.t.} \quad &f_i(y) \leq x_i \qquad i = 1, 2, \dots, n. \end{align}\]

You can imagine that perhaps each \(f_i\) (\(i = 0, \dots, n\)) is convex, so that this problem is to maximize a convex function over a convex set. We have all sorts of nice theory to tell us when the maximum is achieved and how to characterize the maximizers.

However, you’re not convinced about the correctness of the \(x_i\) terms. Maybe you got them from an experiment, or maybe they were estimated from some previous problem. They’re probably in a ballpark of being correct, but there are error bars. How confident can you be that the maximum and maximizers are meaningful to your application, given the uncertainty of your measurements?

If we let \((x_1, \dots, x_n)\) be our “parameter” \(x\), and define

\[\Phi(x) = \{y \in Y : f_i(y) \leq x_i, i = 1, \dots, n\}\]

to be the feasible sets associated with the parameter, then we can cast our convex problem with uncertainty as a parametric optimization problem. So our formalism treats \(X\) as a space of parameters, \(Y\) as the variable space, and the optimization is done in \(Y\) over a fixed set of parameters.If it happens that \(u^*\) is continuous, then we get a stability guarantee of our parameter estimate.

Motivation: control theory

A completely different application arises from control theory. Say you have a model with state space \(X\) and action space \(Y\). At each state \(x\), there is some set of feasible actions, which we’ll call (wink wink) \(\Phi(x)\). Whenever we have the state-action pair \((x,y)\), we receive a reward (wink wink wink) \(u(x,y)\). Our goal is to maximize reward at every state, which means choosing the best actions to that effect. Our optimal value function, then, is a map \(u^* : X \to \RR\) that maximizes \(u(x,y)\) for each state \(x\).

When the state space is not countable, having any ability to speak about the structure of value function usually requires measurability or continuity properties on the rewards. In addition, we usually get to the value function by means of sequential approximation. In this case, the goal is not necessarily “stability” per say, but rather that the limits involved in such arguments behave properly.

Motivation summary

I want to emphasize that this formalism is applied really differently in control theory than in parametric optimization. You have to do a mental jump rope exercise to go from one to the other. On the other hand, continuity of the function \(u^*\) has important implications in both domains. To summarize, we have three interpretations (including the technical math version).

  \(X\) \(Y\) \(\Phi\) \(u\)
Math Metric space Metric space Subset1 of \(X \times Y\) Real function on \(X \times Y\)
Parametric optimization Parameter space Variable space Feasibility regions Objective function
Control theory State space Action space Available actions Reward function

Berge’s maximum theorem.

Or: How I learned to to stop worrying and love function composition

Theorem (Berge). Let \((X, Y, u, \Phi)\) be a maximization problem. If \(u\) is a continuous function, then

  1. if \(\Phi\) is upper semi-continuous and compact valued, then \(u^*\) is upper semi-continuous;
  2. if \(\Phi\) is lower semi-continuous, then \(u^*\) is lower semi-continuous;
  3. if \(\Phi\) is continuous and compact valued, then \(u^*\) is continuous.

The third statement is really just a rephrasing of the previous two, but it is invoked a lot by applications.

Now, it’s true that the first two statements are independent of each other. For many applications, it’s important to keep these separate. If you want weaker hypotheses, you also need to attack each component separately. But for the sake of this post, let’s consider the classical case found in the back of every rigorous economics textbook: continuous \(u\), continuous \(\Phi\), compact values.

In that case, consider the set-valued function \(\Lambda : X \to 2^{\mathbb{R}}\) defined by

\[\renewcommand{\bar}{\overline} \Lambda(x) = \{u(x,y) : y \in \Phi(x)\}.\]

Informally, \(\Lambda(x)\) is the set of all values possibly attained when \(x\) is the parameter. Actually, we can think of \(\Lambda\) as a kind of “partial” composition. Given \(x\), we compose the function \(u_x(y) = u(x,y)\) over the set \(\Phi(x)\). You might write \(\Lambda(x) = u(x, \Phi(x))\) with only somewhat abuse of notation. My preference is to write \(\Lambda = u \circ \Phi\), because this suggests the partial composition directly. Define the top of \(\Lambda\) to be the function \(\bar{\Lambda} : X \to \RR\) satisfying

\[\bar{\Lambda}(x) = \sup \Lambda(x).\]

Then the top of \(\Lambda\) is exactly the maximum function \(u^*\). By studying the properties of \(\Lambda\) we will be able to deduce the continuity of its top, and thereby prove the maximum theorem. To this end, we have to accomplish two tasks. The first is “natural” as a result of framing \(\Lambda\) in terms of function composition.

Theorem. For the maximization problem \((X, Y, u, \Phi)\) with \(\Lambda\) defined as above, if \(u\) is continuous, then:

  1. if \(\Phi\) is lower semi-continuous, then so is \(\Lambda\);
  2. if \(\Phi\) is upper semi-continuous with compact values, then so is \(\Lambda\).

Proof. Suppose first \(\Phi\) is lower semi-continuous. Let \(G \subseteq \RR\) be an open set, and suppose \(\Lambda(x) \cap G \ne \emptyset\). Since the function \(u(x, \:\cdot\:)\) is continuous, it follows that \(V = \{y \in Y : u(x, y) \in G\}\) is open. What’s more, there is a \(y \in \Phi(x)\) such that \(u(x,y) \in G\). In other words, \(\Phi(x) \cap V \ne \emptyset\). Since \(\Phi\) is lower semi-continuous, we can fix an open neighborhood \(U\) of \(x\) such that whenever \(x' \in U\) we have \(\Phi(x') \cap V \ne \emptyset\). But this means that \(\Lambda(x') \cap G \ne \emptyset\), which proves lower semi-continuity.

Next, suppose \(\Phi\) is upper semi-continuous and compact-valued. Let \(G \subseteq \RR\) be an open set with \(\Lambda(x) \subseteq G\). Since \(u\) is continuous, for all \(y \in \Phi(x)\) there are open neighborhoods \(U_y\) of \(x\) and \(V_y\) of \(y\) such that \((x',y') \in U_y \times V_y\) implies \(u(x',y') \in G\). The sets \(\{V_y\}_{y \in \Phi(x)}\) forms an open cover of \(\Phi(x)\), which is compact, so we can fix \(V_{y_1}, \dots, V_{y_n}\) a finite subcover with the corresponding \(U_{y_1}, \dots, U_{y_n}\) neighborhoods of \(x\). Let \(U_1 = \bigcap_{j=1}^{n} U_{y_j}\), so that if \(x' \in U_1\) and \(y' \in \bigcup_{j=1}^{n} V_{y_j}\) we have \(u(x',y') \in G\). On the other hand, since \(\Phi\) is upper semi-continuous, there is an open neighborhood \(U_2\) of \(x\) such that \(\Phi(x') \subseteq \bigcup_{j=1}^{n} V_{y_j}\) for all \(x' \in U_2\). Let \(U = U_1 \cap U_2\). Then for all \(x' \in U\) and \(y' \in \Phi(x')\), it follows that \(u(x', y') \in G\); hence, \(\Lambda(x') \subseteq G\), which proves upper semi-continuity. Finally, let \(\{G_\alpha\}_{\alpha \in A}\) be an open cover of \(\Lambda(x)\). Since \(u(x, \:\cdot\:)\) is continuous, the sets of the form \(V_\alpha = \{y \in Y : u(x,y) \in G_\alpha\}\) are themselves an open cover of \(\Phi(x)\), which is compact. Hence there are \(V_{\alpha_1}, \dots, V_{\alpha_n}\) a finite subcover, and \(G_{\alpha_1}, \dots, G_{\alpha_n}\) is the corresponding subcover for \(\Lambda(x)\). This proves that \(\Lambda\) is compact-valued. \(\square\)

It therefore follows that the conditions of Berge’s maximum theorem together imply that the set-valued function \(\Lambda\) is continuous and compact-valued. If we can show that the top of \(\Lambda\) is a continuous function, the theorem will be proved.

Here’s another question that has bugged me for a year or so now. The notion of semi-continuous real-valued functions is very old (at least as old as Baire’s 1895 dissertation), but semi-continuous set-valued functions are more modern. A lower semi-continuous set-valued function really doesn’t have anything to do with lower semi-continuous real-valued functions. In fact, if you consider a “singleton” set-valued function \(\Gamma(x) = \{f(x)\}\), you can show that lower and upper semi-continuity of \(\Gamma\) coincide!2 What’s the deal with the nomenclature?

Maybe there was a deep connection intended by this language. On the other hand, it’s possible that, historically speaking, there was no strong relationship between these concepts. Perhaps the pioneers of this theory had a different connection in mind. I can affirm that naming things is hard, so I wouldn’t put it past the pioneers to settle early on slightly wonky terminology.

Regardless, the next theorem sheds some light on a possible relationship. It’s how I personally intuit the language similarities. It may not be worth the confusion it seems to cause more generally (Rockafellar and Wets, for example, opt for “inner” and “outer” semi-continuity, albeit “outer” does not mean “upper” in our case), but at least it’s a plausible justification.

Theorem. With \(\Lambda\) defined as above,

  1. if \(\Lambda\) is lower semi-continuous, then \(\bar{\Lambda}\) is lower semi-continuous;
  2. if \(\Lambda\) is upper semi-continuous, then \(\bar{\Lambda}\) is upper semi-continuous;
  3. therefore, if \(\Lambda\) is a continuous set-valued function, its top is a continuous real-valued function.

Proof. First, suppose \(\Lambda\) is lower semi-continuous. Let \(\varepsilon > 0\) be arbitrary, and let \(G = (\bar{\Lambda}(x)-\varepsilon,\infty)\). Then \(\Lambda(x) \cap G \ne \emptyset\), so there exists an open neighborhood \(U\) of \(x\) such that \(\Lambda(x') \cap G \ne \emptyset\) for all \(x' \in U\). So there exists \(\lambda' \in \Lambda(x')\) such that \(\lambda' > \bar{\Lambda}(x) - \varepsilon\), and by definition of \(\bar{\Lambda}\) it follows that \(\bar{\Lambda}(x') \geq \lambda' > \bar{\Lambda}(x) - \varepsilon\). This confirms that \(\bar{\Lambda}\) is lower semi-continuous.

Next, suppose \(\Lambda\) is upper semi-continuous. Let \(\varepsilon > 0\) be arbitrary, and let \(G = (-\infty, \bar{\Lambda}(x) + \varepsilon)\). Then \(\Lambda(x) \subseteq G\), so there exists an open neighborhood \(U\) of \(x\) such that \(\Lambda(x') \subseteq G\) for all \(x' \in U\). So for all \(\lambda' \in \Lambda(x')\), we have \(\lambda' < \bar{\Lambda}(x) + \varepsilon\). By definition of \(\bar{\Lambda}\), it follows that \(\bar{\Lambda}(x') < \bar{\Lambda}(x) + \varepsilon\), which confirms that \(\bar{\Lambda}\) is upper semi-continuous.

Combining these two results implies the third condition. \(\square\)

This approach to Berge’s maximum theorem combined two simple intuitions. First, function composition should hopefully preserve continuity. Second, the top of a real set-valued function is just a normal function, so hopefully semi-continuity concepts diffuse from one to the other. It turns out that both of these intuitions are correct. It also means that Berge’s maximum theorem is pretty simple. Its presentation is already elementary in Berge’s 1963 text, but here we’ve shown that it’s merely the consequence of even-more-elementary observations.

The weakness within

Say I’m a firm trying to maximize my profits subject to some parametric constraints. I would love to apply Berge’s maximum theorem to guarantee my profits are continuous. In fact, I go out into the world and observe that they look pretty damn continuous. So I get to work verifying the hypotheses of the theorem.

This is where I get stuck. It turns out that the profit-maximizing behavior is very stable, because resource and competition constraints lead to some nice properties on the “max” operation. But as a firm, I could theoretically behave really, really suboptimally. Just burn cash on useless projects and make no money at all. If I cared to, I could make my minimum possible profit unboundedly bad. Not that I would. I have my fiduciary responsibilities, after all. But it’s possible.

In applications, the maximization problem is usually well-posed, but few applications simultaneously care about both maximizing and minimizing the objective function. Berge’s maximum theorem doesn’t account for this possibility. In fact, if you define the bottom of \(\Lambda\) by \(\underline{\Lambda}(x) = \inf \Lambda(x)\), it follows directly that the conditions of Berge’s maximum theorem imply that \(\underline{\Lambda}\) is continuous. In other words, the hypotheses are strong enough to give continuity of the minimum. It’s just that we don’t care about the minimum! Symmetry has an aesthetic value, but in this case no practical one.

To refine the theorem is therefore to de-symmetrize it. An important development in this line of research was the introduction of \(\mathbb{K}\)-inf-compactness by Professor Feinberg and his collaborators. It explicitly attacks the compactness assumption on \(\Phi\), but it also de-symmetrizes the upper semi-continuity condition. Another development, by Tian and Zhou, de-symmetrizes the lower semi-continuity condition with a feasible path transfer upper semi-continuity condition on the objective function. In either case, the maximum retains its continuity, but for the minimum all bets are off. Progress!

On a related note, it’s weird to have been thinking about a single theorem for the better part of a year. It doesn’t feel that impressive, but I suppose that’s just research for you.


  1. \(\Phi\) defines a subset of \(X \times Y\) by its graph \(\{(x,y) \in X \times Y : y \in \Phi(x) \}\). In fact, it is completely determined by its graph, and every subset \(G \subseteq X \times Y\) determines a unique set-valued map \(\Gamma : X \to 2^Y\) defined by \(\Gamma(x) = \{y \in Y : (x,y) \in G\}\). 

  2. What really bends my noodle is that in the case of the singleton set-valued function \(\Gamma(x) = \{f(x)\}\), upper and lower semi-continuity of \(\Gamma\) each imply that \(f\) is a continuous function. My first reaction: does this contradict our theorem? No. Since \(\bar{\Gamma}(x) = f(x)\), it is certainly true that \(\bar{\Gamma}\) is continuous. My second reaction: does this mean that we can say more about the continuity of \(\bar{\Lambda}\) in general? The answer also appears to be no. The magical case of single-valued \(\Gamma\) is somehow quite distinct from the general \(\Lambda\), and nothing more in general can be inferred.